Behind the Music: Who Do You Run To?

I was literally sitting at a softball game when I jumped up from the bleachers to record on my phone the chorus God just put in my head. I wasn't even thinking about writing a song.  Then I went to take a nap between games and woke up with the verse in my head.  It was so quick and so easy I can only say God wrote it!

I have been reading through the Bible with my kids and as we read about each time the Jewish people choose other gods, we collectively groan.  Why? Why do they choose other gods, when the one true God is so great?  It's so easy to point the finger, but when we start to look at our own lives other gods begin to pop up here and there, everywhere (sports, work, kids, shopping, tv, etc). Who do you run to?

You got 24hrs in each day, 
you got 24hrs to serve and pray to your God.
Who do you run to?
Where you put your money
where you put your mind
Where you give your love or 
you give your time is your God
Who do you run to?

In the chorus I wanted to declare it to God, to myself, to anyone who will listen:

I will serve no other God before you.
You're the only living God I run to.
For you are my God, and you alone will I serve.
For you are my God, and you alone will I serve.

I've learned so much reading the Old Testament and how God deals with His people.  Time and time again God reminds them, "I am the Lord your God.".  When they look to other countries to help them defeat their enemy, God calls them back and says, "come to me, I am the Lord your God".  When they begin worshiping the gods of other nations, God calls them back to Him.  Really God wanted them (and us) to look to Him for all our needs.  If that's the case, then who/what do we look to to fill our needs (government, parents, credit cards, friends, food, drugs, alcohol, etc).  Who do you run to?

Day by day as the trials come
you will get to choose where your help comes from, what God
Who do you run to?
From the world around you options rise
you will likely choose where you set your eyes upon
Who do you run to? 

It only seemed fitting to take a moment in the song to worship God.  It also offered a nice break in the driving beat, and I was thrilled with the way it turned out.

How I love you.  How I love you.
Worthy King.  Worthy King.
None above you.  None above you.
God of everything.  God of everything.

I could very clearly hear the production on this song when I was writing it.  So initially when I heard the track Steve prepared it didn't quite fit what I heard.  It was important to have a strong, urgent beat in this song.  It fits the pace of our lives.  I don't know anyone who isn't busy, and more often people become overly busy.  I wanted to give the song that feel, and at the same time, make the chorus strong in declaring who I serve.  I think the production ended up just perfect, and just what I heard in my head!

This song calls for a different tone in my voice, I like that.  I hope the variations in sound give the listeners something new to hear with each song.  I would love to hear others singing along with this song.  After all, what an amazing sound to hear the crowd singing out "I will serve no other God before you."  What a fantastic sound, I can imagine the heavens joining in that praise.

This song is as much about me declaring, as it is about being on guard and reminding myself that I don't want anything else to take God's place in my life.  I hope it does the same for the listeners.  So now you know the story behind the music.

LISTEN TO:  "Who do you run to?"
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