
Prepared Warriors Blog has a wonderful team. Each person has a true and authentic relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Through spending time in the presence of God, they receive insight, wisdom, and prophetic words. We hope this blog is an encouragement to you and blesses you as you also seek God.


Crystal Campbell  

I'm a daughter of King Jesus. He created me to worship Him, and that's what I plan to do all the days of my life. I worship in song, in obedience, in serving God, and in loving His people. I love how God reveals Himself to me when I seek Him. I look for God everywhere. I listen for Him all the time. He is faithful to be found. In obedience to God, I founded Prepared Warriors, to help prepare Christians for spiritual battles and eternity. I'm a happily married mom of four beautiful children and currently reside in California.

Christina Garcia

She is aligned with Glory of Zion under Chuck Pierce and a member with her local church, Bear Creek Community in Lodi, California. Christina has a targeted assignment in prophetic dimensions and moves in an Issachar anointing. Her heart is for leaders and the body of Christ to mature and grow with God's transforming power and timing. As a visionary she is used as a spiritual sniper to execute as the Lord instructs. Through her prophetic words, His army can come into agreement and activate Kingdom authority to advance together! Christina is married with five beautiful children. It's time for families to arise for such a time as this. 
