Instantaneous Miraculous....Recording Vocals
I'm back and the trip was amazing. Really that's an understatement. So much to say, so much to tell... let me start at the beginning....
One week before my trip I caught a cold. For any singers reading this, you know what a common cold can do to you vocally. It can completely take you out of the game. You can't just press though and give your best vocal performance with a cold. That is especially true when recording, were every nuance is captured and reviewed with a fine toothed comb. Not to mention the vocal strength and endurance that is needed to sing and re-sing each song, each part to get just the right sound and feel. So needless to say, I was not happy when my co-worker arrived to work sick with a fever a little over a week before my trip, and I subsequently caught the bug.
I did my best to catch extra sleep, took sick days, and pumped the vitamins, but this was a serious cold that took me and my co-workers down for the count. But, I was holding out hope. The weekend right before my trip my church hosted a Healing Training Event with Bethel Ministries. So, I was believing. I was expecting the healing I needed. After all if I believe God is really leading the way for this album, as I believe He is, then why would He send me to record vocals sick??
So Saturday morning I got up bright and early and headed to the healing training event. We opened with Praise & Worship, and though I could only sing barely above a whisper, I was singing, I was praising. I could hear my voice teacher, Dr F, saying "Save your voice!" But, I was believing for healing. The lesson that followed was wonderful, insightful, and great teaching on healing. But there was no prayers for healing at that service.
I had to skip the afternoon outreach session, to do some sleep healing at home. When I returned for the evening Healing Service, again I came expecting. I full expected my amazing God to reveal to one of the leaders that "God is telling me there is a girl here with a cold who is going to record her album in 2 days. Please come forward, God wants to heal you." So, I waited. I witnessed God healing people all around me of various ailments. It truly was amazing, and I personally know one young man who's ankle was healed on the spot, and another young girl who's ears were healed and no longer needs hearing aids! Hallelujah!! What an awesome God!
As the evening wore on I just felt worst and worst. Finally I heard the speaker say,"Before we close the service we want to take some time to speak to the youth". Clearly not my call. So, I grabbed my purse and got up to leave. Then I hear the voice "Wait". So I sit back down. I kept my purse on my shoulder and sat on the edge of the seat. I got to witness more healing, but was so sick and so tired, I was ready for bed. Before long the Chaplain for our local prison passed by me on his way out. I hear the voice again "Have him pray for you". So I get up and follow him out. Yes, I felt a bit like a stocker, but... I did it anyway. :)
I waited as he spoke with someone else, then stepped up and asked him if he would please pray for me. I told him my voice needed healing. He got out his oils and spoke a simple prayer for healing. I felt nothing, but thanked him for praying for me. As I walked away I heard the voice again "Because of your obedience, I will heal you." Thank you God. I was so thankful to hear that promise. I still felt terrible, but now I had a promise from my Savior.
I woke the next morning still feeling sick, but wanted to attend church and soak in the spirit once more before I left for my trip. This time I did save my voice. I really just wanted to be home sleeping, but after service I had to run errands that ended up taking all day. By the time I finally got home I could barely move, and couldn't even speak. I was so sick, but still needed to pack, and prepare for my trip. I didn't make it to bed until 1:00am, and had to be up at 4:45am to catch my flight. Not the best way to prep for a trip to record lead vocals for an album, but this is my world.
As I drove to the airport before the sun started to wake, I was praying, still believing for my healing. As I silently prayed I told God "I could really use an instantaneous, miraculous, healing." Then I heard the voice say "ask". What?!? It stopped me for a second. But, then I spoke out loud "God I could really use an instantaneous, miraculous, healing." Instantly I felt a whirl of wind in my throat for just a few second, and then it was gone. But, I knew I was healed. I knew that was the healing I was waiting for. So, I began to thank God for His amazing awesome power, and kind heart who cares even for me, and my voice. In a moment He changed everything.
My flight had 2 legs, and during my layover, the airport was packed! When I found my gate there was no where to sit, every seat was filled. I knew I wanted to put my bag down, and spotted an open chair across the aisle. By the time I got there, the seat was taken. I looked around, but there weren't any other spots. Just as I was about to go to another area, a huge man moved his bag from his seat and offered it to me. I thanked him and took the seat. The obligatory cell phone browsing began. I could feel God prompting me to talk with him, but didn't know what to say. As we set there, I heard him humming ever so softly. Prompted again, I asked him "Are you a singer?" He answered yes. I told him I was too. I asked him what he sang "Gospel", "Me too! I'm headed to Nashville to record my album." He responded, "I'm headed to the Dove Awards." What!?!? That's awesome. We filled the time trading stories and I was so blessed to be able to pray for him. He was set to perform for the award show while I was recording. I couldn't help but think that was one of God's divine appointments.
When I arrived to Nashville my producer picked me up, we dropped my bags to the hotel and headed to the hotel to start recording. I only had 2 1/2 days to record all of my songs so we got right to work. We loaded the first song, and I stepped into the vocal booth to start recording "Call to Battle". When I opened my mouth to sing, and sound actually came out I nearly cried. Thank you God. I went on to record the most vocally strong song on the album. My voice made it through. My producer kept saying "You sound so clear, you can't even tell you're sick". Though God healed my voice, I still had the cold, runny nose, cough, and all.
We just recorded that one song the first night, I was so exhausted, and we didn't want to push it too hard. So, I headed back to the hotel to relax with the orders "No talking at all. Rest your voice." So I did just that. As a mom of 4, an evening alone in a hotel was sooo relaxing.
I slept in the next morning, something that's never a challenge for me. I coughed up a bunch of goo, yuck, took vitamins, nasal strays, cough drops, you name it. Spent some time talking to God, then took a walked to the studio. The studio is in a beautiful area and taking in some fresh air was just what I needed.
I hit the studio ready to record and excited about the session from the day before. My producer is so amazing, he makes the process so easy. He listens to me, works to make the songs work for me, but still inputs his expertise to make it sound amazing. We were able to complete 4 more songs on Tuesday. We quickly found that we needed about 3 takes. The first time, I would just kind of mark it, and feel it out. (I didn't get much rehearsal time in before the trip). The second and third time through I gave it my best performance. Then we would choose the best one, and make it work. That's my preferred way to record, I really do give it my best with each recording and recording a million takes isn't going to make me any better. So, when I was just allowed to be me, and that was good enough, that really allowed my spirit and creativity just open up.
Singing really is a joy for me. Just getting to sing and make music for a full 2 1/2 days was just bliss. I told Steve, my producer, this is what I was made for. I truly believe that. It's not hard, it's not stressful, it's just fun, and relaxing, and freeing. I just loved being in the studio again.
We wrapped early evening, and I got another relaxing evening alone, again with the order "Not talking at all. Rest your voice."
Wednesday morning came and I was still sick, starting the morning with extra sleep, medicine, and a steaming hot shower. After another beautiful morning walk, I arrived to the studio to record my last song. We quickly got what we needed for the lead vocals, so we ran through each song and added background vocals either to keep, or place holders for other voices to fill. We noted the items till needed to complete each song. But, as we listened through each song, I was so pleased with what we had created. Most of what we ended up with is just what I heard in my head when I was writing the songs. It is such a magical moment to hear the music come to life and nearing completion.
Steve hooked me up with rough drafts of each song to review. The songs were only roughly mixed, we still need to add background vocals to most songs, some instruments still need replaced or added, but we are close. So close I can taste it!
I sent the songs to my family, with threats to my dad not to leak the songs before their release. (At last check, he was already over sharing.) I spent the last night in Nashville attending Steve's son's hockey game, crazy talented player, and eating at a fab Indian restaurant. I only wish I could have taken my left-overs on the plane!
My last night of great sleep and alone time, something I desperately needed, were great. I am sure that I was glowing from inside out. I truly am so thankful for the few days I had to make music in such a relaxing, accepting, creative environment. I truly am so thankful that God healed my voice so I could no only sing, but sing my best, give my best, for Him and His glory.
Thursday morning as I prepared to leave I was content. Steve asked if I had any changes after reviewing the songs. I told him, I didn't even listen to the songs! I left it all on the field, or in the studio as it was. I did my best, I gave my best, I am not perfect, but I am so ok with that. I believe the flaws and the imperfections are part of what give it life. I don't intend for the recordings to be like overly photoshopped images. I think we accomplished the reality of the recording.
I am so thrilled to move onto the next steps in this process. Complete the recordings, start the design for the cover, marketing ideas, etc. I plan to enjoy each step. I'm glad you're joining me on this journey. I have no doubt that God has amazing things in store. I'm believing.
One week before my trip I caught a cold. For any singers reading this, you know what a common cold can do to you vocally. It can completely take you out of the game. You can't just press though and give your best vocal performance with a cold. That is especially true when recording, were every nuance is captured and reviewed with a fine toothed comb. Not to mention the vocal strength and endurance that is needed to sing and re-sing each song, each part to get just the right sound and feel. So needless to say, I was not happy when my co-worker arrived to work sick with a fever a little over a week before my trip, and I subsequently caught the bug.
I did my best to catch extra sleep, took sick days, and pumped the vitamins, but this was a serious cold that took me and my co-workers down for the count. But, I was holding out hope. The weekend right before my trip my church hosted a Healing Training Event with Bethel Ministries. So, I was believing. I was expecting the healing I needed. After all if I believe God is really leading the way for this album, as I believe He is, then why would He send me to record vocals sick??
So Saturday morning I got up bright and early and headed to the healing training event. We opened with Praise & Worship, and though I could only sing barely above a whisper, I was singing, I was praising. I could hear my voice teacher, Dr F, saying "Save your voice!" But, I was believing for healing. The lesson that followed was wonderful, insightful, and great teaching on healing. But there was no prayers for healing at that service.
I had to skip the afternoon outreach session, to do some sleep healing at home. When I returned for the evening Healing Service, again I came expecting. I full expected my amazing God to reveal to one of the leaders that "God is telling me there is a girl here with a cold who is going to record her album in 2 days. Please come forward, God wants to heal you." So, I waited. I witnessed God healing people all around me of various ailments. It truly was amazing, and I personally know one young man who's ankle was healed on the spot, and another young girl who's ears were healed and no longer needs hearing aids! Hallelujah!! What an awesome God!
As the evening wore on I just felt worst and worst. Finally I heard the speaker say,"Before we close the service we want to take some time to speak to the youth". Clearly not my call. So, I grabbed my purse and got up to leave. Then I hear the voice "Wait". So I sit back down. I kept my purse on my shoulder and sat on the edge of the seat. I got to witness more healing, but was so sick and so tired, I was ready for bed. Before long the Chaplain for our local prison passed by me on his way out. I hear the voice again "Have him pray for you". So I get up and follow him out. Yes, I felt a bit like a stocker, but... I did it anyway. :)
I waited as he spoke with someone else, then stepped up and asked him if he would please pray for me. I told him my voice needed healing. He got out his oils and spoke a simple prayer for healing. I felt nothing, but thanked him for praying for me. As I walked away I heard the voice again "Because of your obedience, I will heal you." Thank you God. I was so thankful to hear that promise. I still felt terrible, but now I had a promise from my Savior.
I woke the next morning still feeling sick, but wanted to attend church and soak in the spirit once more before I left for my trip. This time I did save my voice. I really just wanted to be home sleeping, but after service I had to run errands that ended up taking all day. By the time I finally got home I could barely move, and couldn't even speak. I was so sick, but still needed to pack, and prepare for my trip. I didn't make it to bed until 1:00am, and had to be up at 4:45am to catch my flight. Not the best way to prep for a trip to record lead vocals for an album, but this is my world.
As I drove to the airport before the sun started to wake, I was praying, still believing for my healing. As I silently prayed I told God "I could really use an instantaneous, miraculous, healing." Then I heard the voice say "ask". What?!? It stopped me for a second. But, then I spoke out loud "God I could really use an instantaneous, miraculous, healing." Instantly I felt a whirl of wind in my throat for just a few second, and then it was gone. But, I knew I was healed. I knew that was the healing I was waiting for. So, I began to thank God for His amazing awesome power, and kind heart who cares even for me, and my voice. In a moment He changed everything.
My flight had 2 legs, and during my layover, the airport was packed! When I found my gate there was no where to sit, every seat was filled. I knew I wanted to put my bag down, and spotted an open chair across the aisle. By the time I got there, the seat was taken. I looked around, but there weren't any other spots. Just as I was about to go to another area, a huge man moved his bag from his seat and offered it to me. I thanked him and took the seat. The obligatory cell phone browsing began. I could feel God prompting me to talk with him, but didn't know what to say. As we set there, I heard him humming ever so softly. Prompted again, I asked him "Are you a singer?" He answered yes. I told him I was too. I asked him what he sang "Gospel", "Me too! I'm headed to Nashville to record my album." He responded, "I'm headed to the Dove Awards." What!?!? That's awesome. We filled the time trading stories and I was so blessed to be able to pray for him. He was set to perform for the award show while I was recording. I couldn't help but think that was one of God's divine appointments.
When I arrived to Nashville my producer picked me up, we dropped my bags to the hotel and headed to the hotel to start recording. I only had 2 1/2 days to record all of my songs so we got right to work. We loaded the first song, and I stepped into the vocal booth to start recording "Call to Battle". When I opened my mouth to sing, and sound actually came out I nearly cried. Thank you God. I went on to record the most vocally strong song on the album. My voice made it through. My producer kept saying "You sound so clear, you can't even tell you're sick". Though God healed my voice, I still had the cold, runny nose, cough, and all.
We just recorded that one song the first night, I was so exhausted, and we didn't want to push it too hard. So, I headed back to the hotel to relax with the orders "No talking at all. Rest your voice." So I did just that. As a mom of 4, an evening alone in a hotel was sooo relaxing.
I slept in the next morning, something that's never a challenge for me. I coughed up a bunch of goo, yuck, took vitamins, nasal strays, cough drops, you name it. Spent some time talking to God, then took a walked to the studio. The studio is in a beautiful area and taking in some fresh air was just what I needed.
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Steve hard at work. He's got a great set-up and knows how to make the most of it. |
Singing really is a joy for me. Just getting to sing and make music for a full 2 1/2 days was just bliss. I told Steve, my producer, this is what I was made for. I truly believe that. It's not hard, it's not stressful, it's just fun, and relaxing, and freeing. I just loved being in the studio again.
We wrapped early evening, and I got another relaxing evening alone, again with the order "Not talking at all. Rest your voice."
Wednesday morning came and I was still sick, starting the morning with extra sleep, medicine, and a steaming hot shower. After another beautiful morning walk, I arrived to the studio to record my last song. We quickly got what we needed for the lead vocals, so we ran through each song and added background vocals either to keep, or place holders for other voices to fill. We noted the items till needed to complete each song. But, as we listened through each song, I was so pleased with what we had created. Most of what we ended up with is just what I heard in my head when I was writing the songs. It is such a magical moment to hear the music come to life and nearing completion.
Steve hooked me up with rough drafts of each song to review. The songs were only roughly mixed, we still need to add background vocals to most songs, some instruments still need replaced or added, but we are close. So close I can taste it!
I sent the songs to my family, with threats to my dad not to leak the songs before their release. (At last check, he was already over sharing.) I spent the last night in Nashville attending Steve's son's hockey game, crazy talented player, and eating at a fab Indian restaurant. I only wish I could have taken my left-overs on the plane!
My last night of great sleep and alone time, something I desperately needed, were great. I am sure that I was glowing from inside out. I truly am so thankful for the few days I had to make music in such a relaxing, accepting, creative environment. I truly am so thankful that God healed my voice so I could no only sing, but sing my best, give my best, for Him and His glory.
Thursday morning as I prepared to leave I was content. Steve asked if I had any changes after reviewing the songs. I told him, I didn't even listen to the songs! I left it all on the field, or in the studio as it was. I did my best, I gave my best, I am not perfect, but I am so ok with that. I believe the flaws and the imperfections are part of what give it life. I don't intend for the recordings to be like overly photoshopped images. I think we accomplished the reality of the recording.
I am so thrilled to move onto the next steps in this process. Complete the recordings, start the design for the cover, marketing ideas, etc. I plan to enjoy each step. I'm glad you're joining me on this journey. I have no doubt that God has amazing things in store. I'm believing.
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