Word from God: Symphony 7-24-15

* Brothers & Sisters in Christ: As always, any word given should be tested against the scriptures.  God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Also, ask the Holy Spirit that lives within you to confirm or deny the word.  God bless you.

(I saw the bright shining sun) I am like the sun.  (Then I saw beautiful green leaves) My rays land on the leaves of the plant and give them food.  No one sees the connection or the giving of the food, but it happens.  Just like that I give you food.  When you come to me, I give you food and nourishment for your soul.  Come to me everyday. (paraphrased - written later after hearing the word)

(Then I saw the whole earth filled with beautiful plants, and animals, and people) All the earth is my symphony.  (I saw people holding beautiful instruments like french horns, and others) But I have many holding instruments they never play! Imagine my delight if all my children played their part.  What a glorious symphony I would have. I have a solo for you today.  I have a part for you to play.  Are you ready? (I grabbed my pen and began to write.  The word came so quickly I had to write fast to keep up.)

Bring all the food to the store house.  Gather from the fields, and from every corner, for the day of harvest is here.  The day of harvest has arrived.  Where are my workers?  Where are my gatherers?  Come to work for I have assignments to give and am looking for good, strong, dependable workers to harvest my field.  

Blow the trumpet, sound the alarm, call the workers.  It is about to begin, a great day, a great season of the Lord.  Bring forth all who are willing of all ages.  For all are welcome to gather and work for the King.  True glory and honor is upon this chosen generation who is chosen to serve the King, the Lord of all, above the heavenly hosts, and elders, and all living things.  Yet I chose you. Yet you are my chosen people.  Speak truth, let your voice ring loud and clear to be heard by all those around you, and in this way the whole world will hear.  Do not wait, begin today to tell them about salvation and in this way you prepare their hearts to hear and receive the truth when the world parts and people are called to choose.  They will see and know there is a choice. 

Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest.  Do you live in rest?  Do you receive from your Father as you should?  How can you give what you do not have?  You must receive so that you can give.  You must live so your light shines, so all men can see.  Then they will know to come to you when darkness overtakes the world.  Truly I tell you, the day is drawing near.  The time is at hand.  Reach out your hand to receive, for I am faithful to give anything you ask for in my name, that is according to my will.  Come to me to receive.  Then you may give freely, that which was given to you freely.

Trouble is at the door.  It is pushing and waiting to get in.  I hold the door, only to open it at the appointed hour, at the appointed time.  Who will be ready?  Who will be prepared? Who will jump when I say jump, and dive when I call them to dive? Listen for my voice, for surely I speak to those who listen.  Judge for yourself.  If I spoke to my prophets in the days of old, would I not do the same for those who call on my name, who are called according to my purpose?  For I give special anointing to those I call, who prove faithful to me time and time again.  I know I can trust them with  my word and so I set it forth through them for the whole world to hear.  Who will hear?  Who will believe? Those who know my voice can surely determine.  For my children who are called to me know my voice, know my voice and discern wisely when my word is given.  Then they receive it like bread to nourish their soul.

Only heed my word.  Only listen, take heed.  

Move as I tell you to move.  Prepare as I tell you to prepare.  Time is crucial.  No time to waste.  Move with haste, do not delay.  The keys are opening doors, never opened before.  All is about to begin and continue to progress with fury.  You have been warned so that you can be prepared.  

Move when I tell you to move. Do not be deceived to think you can outrun my wrath and my judgement. For I tell you the only safety you will find is in my arms, surrounded by my glory, listening to my voice.  

Move when I tell you to move. Speak when I tell you to speak.  For my ways are right and trust and just.  Love is who I am.  But, I am also righteous and I dare anyone to speak against my righteous judgment.  For all things are called to account.  Hasn't my word foretold my principles time and time again, that the person, the land, the country will reap what they sow? How then shall I go against my word?  How then shall I change or alter my word, my way, because you ask?  You can no more change me than you can change the waves of the sea.  You are not above me, I am above you.  Only worship the Lord your God.  You are my people and I have called you unto me.  I have called you according to my good and true purpose.  

Do not delay.  Mount your horse.  Prepare for battle.  The great war begins.

It is in love for my people that I give you this word.  Let the whole world hear and receive this word.
