Dream: American Parachute 8-3-15


I had this dream a few nights ago.  I have had other dreams that I asked God to interpret for me.  He is always faithful to reveal the dream's meaning, and what He is trying to tell me.  I posted the dream then the interpretation I received.

In the dream I was standing watching plane after plane take off and fly through the sky.  As each plane was flying something happened that cause the plane to stop working.  The planes were crashing for various reasons. Some were attacked, others malfunctioned, but whatever happened it caused the pilots to have to jump and parachute down.  So one by one pilots were jumping from their planes.  The last plane I saw was a really big plane, and when the pilot jumped from the plane, his parachute was the American flag.  

I saw him and the other pilots go to land their parachutes, but there was no where to land, because it was the ocean.  They would have to land in the ocean.  No one landed in the ocean. So, I see the pilot with the American flag pulling on his parachute handles to guide his landing.  As he lowered, he approached a narrow stream.  The stream was only wide enough for one person.  He landed in the stream, and floated down the stream, which was hidden from all sides by the tall grass and trees.

The interpretation I received is this. The planes speed indicated a the speed with which this will come to pass. The airplanes represent different regions and countries in the world. As various things happen to bring these countries and regions down, it will cause us to have to jump to survive. As we, the body of Christ, struggle to survive and aim for the full ocean, the full expanse of God and His church.  The abundant landing strip.  But as the America approaches, the vastness of God is now just a narrow stream. I had the impression that the narrow hidden stream represented an underground church.  Where right now you have your pick of a multitude of churches around the country, a time is coming where you will have to seek to find the church.
