Tumble Weed

Recently I was out for a walk in my neighborhood. I turned the corner, and ran right into a HUGE tumbleweed! The tumbleweed was so big, at least waist high, and it was right on the sidewalk! I have never seen a tumbleweed that big, and never on my walk.
I stopped to look at it. It was really a beautiful scene, placed on my path. Unexpected, that a tumbleweed could be beautiful. But, it was. It was a perfectly shaped ball. It was positioned just perfectly on the path for a great picture. I'm attaching the photo for you to see just what I saw.
As I looked in bemused wonder at the scene in front of me, I asked, "God what are you trying to show me?" God answered, "You are the tumbleweed. You feel like a mess, as you run here and there. But, you don't see that I am forming you into something beautiful."
This is why I love the Lord so much. He knows me so well. He sees me getting frustrated, feeling like I don't measure up. He knows I feel like a mess all the time. I'm behind, I'm not perfect, I make mistakes. But, God sees this beautiful tumbleweed. He is so powerful, that He can make something beautiful out of my mess. Thank you God. He is so wonderful, that He loves me, even in the midst of my mess. Thank you God.
God sees every aspect of your life. He knows the issues you deal with. He sees your effort, and your shortcomings, and He loves you anyway. Spend some time talking and listening to God today. You will be amazed just how full of grace He is. It just makes you love Him even more.
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