Word from God: Open the Gates 4-20-15

The other night, I received a word from God that was intended for the body of Christ, and one of the first I feel led to share.  As with any "word from God", ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern, test, and judge it against scripture.  All prophetic words should agree with scripture, or they just aren't from God, period.
I saw a vision of large gates flying open, and runners bursting forth.  They ran with wind behind them, and with great strength.  Then I heard these words:

Open the Gates!  Open the gates and let them run!  Run with strength.  Run with breath in their lungs, run with wind behind them.  Run all over the world, into towns, and villages, and churches, and anywhere people gather.  That my name might be praised and made great.  I will breath on it, my Holy Spirit will flow through  and I will claim those whom I have called.  I will gather my sheep to me.  It will not be one or two, but many.  So many you cannot count.  There will be great joy and gladness surrounding them and great celebrations because they receive me and I receive them.  I hold unto me those I love.  I am coming for them.  Open the gates!  Open the gates!

I then asked God "was that really a word from you God".  He said,

I testify that what you have heard is true.  The words I give you are true.  Take them to your church and to all who have ears to hear.  I have great joy in bringing them to me, in gathering my people.

After receiving this word, I began to ask God,"Are you waiting for us, or are we waiting for you to Open the Gates.  I received this word 4-30-15:

I will open the gates at the appointed time.  Only be ready.  Prepare yourselves to spring forth.  Study, learn, practice, prepare and train for the race.  When the gates open my spirit will flow like a river, and sweep them up in it, to carry them forth.  The nations must prepare.  The nations will deploy and return to their homeland.  They will go in and possess the land for my namesake.  I am calling many home.  I am calling many to their doorstep.  Step inside your home and claim it for me.  Join with others to exalt my name.  Do not be afraid, for I will be with you.  I will guide you.  I will open doors and make a way, clear your path.

6-11-15 I received this word:

Go into all the earth and claim it for me.  Take my joy and my love and my freedom to set them free.  Go with rejoicing and gladness, as a seal, a sign of the God you serve.  My Holy Spirit will go with you, before you, covering, protecting, and guiding you.  You will land on solid ground, and what you claim for me, I will bless.  I will anoint.  I will subdue.  The time is coming soon.  Prepare.  Prepare.  Prepare.
